Monday, January 24, 2011

Pincushins, Felt, and Sewing

Miss Caroline and I made a trip to the library this morning, because I was in the mood for a new sewing book for ideas. (I'm really into sewing right now!) I found two that I just love, and already scanned the projects I want to make.

The first book I almost was willing to just buy online, because it has great projects in it. I loved almost every single one! But, in the end just scanned almost the whole book! I do recommend buying though, great beginner book, if you are learning to sew. Majority of the projects in it though use felt, real wool felt not craft felt. Which was interesting because of the other book I got is felt projects. So now I am on the curious side of playing with felt and/or making my own. I have been researching online about both, but it all comes down to price with me. I love crafting but it must be on the cheap side, because I am cheap! (You probably learned that a minute ago when you read that I scan books instead of buying though).

The debate continues I guess until I can either find cheapish roving or wool felt. If you are interested in this as well here are a few sites to check for either of those things:

Etsy of course
Zibbet (might be cheaper)
                                   Local Harvest - awesome for ANYTHING organic! Honey, herbs, fruit, nuts, etc. I love this site!
Magic Cabin - aimed for kids crafts but they have wool felt

I hope you join me on this adventure with felt! Have a crafty day!

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