Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Survival & Crafts

If you follow me on Twitter you know that we had a bad storm here that wiped out my garden. It would have been fine but my neighbors yard flooded and emptied right into our garden which ended up in a land slide. I dug out my plants, and they are doing fine, blooming in fact. I lost two corn plants, and I thought I lost all of my seeds. But today I looked out the window to see tiny little plants sprouting up from the ground. It looks like they all got pushed together so this may interesting. And i have no idea what they are either because they all got moved. It's going to be a nice surprise to see what we get! Pardon the over blurryness, i should never take photos when my blood sugar is low!

My gardens first sprouts
My gardens first sprouts

I've been busy the past few days trying to untangle the yarn explosion, and it does look a lot better. I'm almost done with it i think! I also did my first amigurumi! Of course I chose to do Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, he's not perfect at all, but hey he's my first! Bazinga! I also started spinning Caroline's roving that she dyed, it's so pretty! I'm going to crochet her socks when I'm done with it.

Yarn explotion looking better!
Spinning my daughters roving
My first amigurumi
Go ahead laugh at Sheldon, i did! And Caroline says he is "scarweee" (Scary)

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