Monday, August 23, 2010

It's school season!

I never stop going to school really so it's always school time for me, but starting Wednesday Jase goes to school! He is only going to go 3 days a week for about 2 1/2 hours which i think is enough for his age. I have a "friend" that sends her daughter from 6am to 6pm 5 days a week so she can sit at home on Facebook all day...yeah not going to do that! I'm excited for him to have some friends, because he needs them (I know I do!). He is going to a Pre-school in a Christian church down the street from us, and I love all the people there. I told him this morning that he is going to school this week and he got a little excited. He has already picked out his backpack, Toy Story of course, and he even picked out what he is wearing the first day. So, I think he is ready for his new adventure :)

This time next year Caroline will be starting there since they do the same morning program for 2 years olds also. That is going to be awesome! 2 hours 3 days a week to myself....ahhh :) Sloan will be deployed then so it will be a much needed break for me! But for now I'm happy getting to spend some alone time with the Princess.

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