Friday, May 7, 2010

Changing it up

I changed up my entire blog for the changes going on in my life. I feel the title better fits me, because I do alot to keep me sane! I am just the type of person who has to be busy at all times which is why I do bows, photography, etc. Photography though has become my #1 when it comes to hobbies. I am in complete love with it, and can not wait to be unpacked in Cali so I can develop my rolls of film.

Speaking of California, we close on our house May 17th but the kids and I are waiting till the 1st before we head up there. Sloan has to do some demolition to the back add-on/laundry room and I don't want the kids there while he does that. Mainly because of Jase who feels he has to be with daddy at all times. With the closing of the house I feel all stress is gone from our lives until the Marine Corps brings up some more. So, I am starting back on the raw vegan path. I loved the way I felt when I was doing it but we had so much stress in our lives that I let my stress eating ways take the best of me. So I'm starting from square one again, and I must come up with a strong motivation to keep going. I draw a blank on that though.

School is going great, still making straight A's and I am now a member of the National Honor Society. I'm proud of myself because uh hello I have two babies! hehe

That's really all that is going on in our lives right now, make sure to follow my blog for more about our oh so interesting life!!! LOL!

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